Weixiang company was established in 2013 and found by Mr. John Duan in Shenzhen, engaged in CNC turn & mill and service for consumer field initial stage.


Company was after an accumulated and experience from initial stage, In 2016, company was start to focus on industrial field of sustainable more, such as Fluid system,、Process Control、Automobile、Microwave Communication、Opticals、Industrial Automation、Medical and many more.

Meanwhile,company also defined an startegic development planning next 10 years and must be developed with a direction of sustainable more in 2016, with this to service for our customers and parnters, and Corp. start to prepare industrial experiences,talent and resources of needed in 2016 based on the strategic ideas. also prepare automation production of Artificial Intelligence in the future due to Industry 4.0


President Mr.John Duan sparkplug what “we're a family” is a company culture all along, to lead Weixang team and service for customers from various industrial fields based this operation idea.

Value: Development sustainable
Direction: Customers gruop sustainable
Quality: Improvment sustained
Cost: Optimization sustained inside, supply chain integration
Service: Strategic cooperation